We specialize in violence and abuse investigations and client management. Getting it right MATTERS.
Our licensed private investigators are experts in their fields and handle complex investigations with the highest burden of proof in mind. We support Corporate Security with professional investigative assistance to help entities conduct a truly thorough investigation into incidents of violence and concern.
Identifying the truth of the matter is the first step in everything we do through extensive evaluation and investigation. With decades of law enforcement experience in persons’ crimes investigation, program building and operating across disciplines, and advocacy, Frost ICED believes in thriving in your environments. That begins with addressing potential violence where people live, work, and play through in-depth investigation and accurate reporting, as well as compassionate client management for those suffering from violence.
Helping protect people from harm and supporting them through their recovery from violence is our company’s mission. Frost ICED excels in individualized investigation services provided by experienced and licensed investigators specializing in Criminal, Civil, and Family Law, and individual, corporate workplace, and campus-based violence, related to:
Violence and threat (in the corporate workplace, schools, communities)
Intimate partner violence (employee, spouse of employee, former intimate partner, clients, students, individual)
Restraining orders
Sexual assault/harassment (specializing in “consent defense” investigations)
Divorce, child abuse, and child custody cases related to the above
Title IX cases (with education and understanding of Title IX, the Clery Act, and Office of Violence Against Women requirements, grants, and programs)
Civil domestic abuse court case investigations and report preparation for civil litigation against criminals/abusers
Law enforcement policies and procedures evaluating incidents and practices
K9 Use of Force and Application of Force with expert evaluation from a former K9handler and executive staff member
Investigation services include:
Crisis Management Investigations. Boots on the ground liaisons during critical incidents with investigators conducting parallel investigations, gathering information while it is still fresh and available.
Case evaluation and recommendations to include policy, research, documents, and action reviews.
Identifying relevant witnesses, potential evidence, avenues for investigation
Conducting trauma-informed, thorough interviews with respect, dignity, and proven expertise for all involved parties
Records tracking
Evidence identification and documentation
Expert summaries and detailed reports prepared specifically for the target audience (specific courts, law enforcement, review panel, education facility, corporate executives, Human Resources)
Response recommendations to include case evaluations, resources, safety plans, and more.
Our reports are extremely professional and accurate representations of detailed investigations that are used to strip away bias and provide clarity.
Our investigations allow for:
Informed decision making in incidents of violence, Criminal, Civil, and all Family Law cases, for corporate workplace violence investigations, all Human Resources applications, campus incidents, law enforcement-related incidents, divorce, child custody, and more.
On scene liaison to law enforcement while conducting a parallel investigation, noting areas of concern and identify issues of potential liability (or showcasing why liability is limited) while evidence is still available.
Supportive evidence in difficult court cases (Family Law, Criminal, and Civil), as well as Title IX and additional campus and workplace incidents which need to be investigated and documented by experts in the field.
Effective case discovery to ensure factual and complete information for complex situations.
Case strategy to help confirm or deny theories presented by both plaintiff and defense with evidence and research-based information.