Children exposed to domestic violence have an increased risk of being abused or neglected.

There are numerous studies and information available regarding children in domestic violence households and how it negatively affects them (several included on our resource site available to training attendees). Studies discuss the affect that family violence has on children’s developing behavior, self-blame, depression/anxiety/mental health problems, bullying, harm to others and harm to self, problems in school, adult development, attachment issues, and more. Witnessing abuse and living with an abusive parent also puts children at an increased risk of being abused themselves. It is not surprising, that someone who exerts power and control in relationships would transfer that pattern to the children in the household.

Safe and healthy environments begin when homes are violence free, with supportive caregivers. Abuse environments may not come to light until separation and divorce which creates a difficult requirement to
present the truth of the matter for both sides in a Family Law, Criminal, or Civil case.

Proving the existence or absence of intimate partner violence, child abuse, stalking, restraining order violations, sexual assault, and more, during marriage, separation, or divorce can be difficult and requires an experienced investigator who works with trauma-informed interviewing tactics, and who understands the dynamics of abusers, victims, and families.

If you suspect a child is being abused, contact law enforcement, and look here for signs and symptoms, plus resources, at the Mayo Clinic.

We are here to help with your case … Contact Us.

Frost ICED is available for in-depth case preparation, expert witness testimony, and more. Contact us for more information, a rate sheet, or to discuss potential options for how we may assist.